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jewelry glossary

Antique jewelry glossary

Welcome to our extensive antique jewelry glossary with around 1,500 jewelry related entries.If you feel you are missing an explanation, feel free to let us know and we will add it.

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Two-piece torc

A type of torc that is in the form of a complete hoop rather than the usual penannular ring, having a detachable segment that is about one-sixth to one-eighth of the total circumference and that is attached to the larger portion by mortise-and tenon joints. Such torcs, made of bronze, and sometimes decorated in Waldalgesheim style, have been found only in Champagne, France, and were worn there by high-ranking women; they are of the Early La Tène century, c. 4th century BC.

From: An Illustrated Dictionary of Jewelry, autor: Harold Newman, publishers: Thames and Hudson

Jewelry Glossary

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